Alex Bonney – trumpet, trumpophone, laptop
Robin Fincker – saxophone, clarinet
Dave Smith – drums, percussions, whistle
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay – bass guitar, laptop, synth
Splice's raison d'être is to mesh together influences of contemporary jazz, free improv, loud and soft noise, punk grit, ambient music, and more... with seamless blends or blunt juxtapositions, blending their acoustic sounds with electronics and vintage analogue synthesisers.
After an acclaimed debut album 'LAB' in 2011, Splice's live performances became clearly influenced by doom metal, electronic drones and free improv. The resulting double album 'Silent Spoke', released in 2013, is a musical voyage of haunting ambience and intensity, with an occasional glitchy solo emerging or resolving into a sometimes delicate, sometimes abrasive and darkly powerful sound world.