The fruitful reunion of five hyperactive improvisers from both sides of the Channel, determined to design the perfect costume for their singular and audacious music.
The Rich Tailors were no strangers to each other as the band was formed after numerous collaborations amongst its members such as the long-standing projects Blink in the UK, the berlin-based Erdmann/Roher 4tet or The Mediums in France.
This new project with its unusual instrumentation is the perfect setting for the subtle melodic crossings and irreverent style-mixing at the heart of these key European musicians’ approach, whose credentials include an impressively varied panel of collaborators and projects, ranging from film music to avant-garde improv.
Robin Fincker – tenor saxophone / clarinet
Alcyona Mick – piano
Daniel Erdmann – tenor saxophone
Vincent Courtois – cello
Paul Clarvis – drums